Wayne Highlands School District is operating on a two hour delay on, Thursday, February 13, 2025.
New mural added to gym
From left: Sarah Wood, AJ Smith, Honesdale Hornet, Chloe Nicolini, Jordan Palmer.
HONESDALE — In Honesdale, two new Hornet murals will adorn the walls of the Wayne Highlands Middle School gym, thanks to a team effort from several faculty and students.
The project has been in the works since the start of the school year and required many hours of labor to complete.
With the support of WHMS principal, Christopher Pietraszewski, several departments collaborated to realize the project’s fruition. The dream, initiated by Sue McDermott (P.E. Department), became a reality thanks to the creativity, as well as the many hours of hard work and labor, of Kathy Higgins (Art Department) and Chris Piasecki (Technology Department).
Credit goes to the following students who lent a hand in the completion of the project: Sarah Wood (HHS freshman), Jordan Palmer, Chloe Nicolini, AJ Smith (all eighth graders), and Lilla Wengler (seventh grader).
The original concept for the Hornet was developed by Shayla Mullican and Sarah Wood. Both Sarah and Jordan’s commitment to the project made it such a success.
It is hoped that the two Hornets will be displayed on the gymnasium walls in time for this year’s high school graduation ceremony.
The school’s goal is to add at least one new mural to the gym walls each school year.