Wayne Highlands School District is operating on a two hour delay on, Thursday, February 13, 2025.


NOTE:  This page is being updated frequently, so check back regularly for new postings. 
If a scholarship listing does not include a deadline yet, please wait to apply until a deadline is availalbe.

Northeastern PA Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Blair E. Caboot Memorial Scholarship - Math Student of the Year

Eligible applicants must attend school in one of the following counties: Bradford, Lakcawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Pike, Susquehanna, Sullivan, Wayne, Wyoming.

Application, transcript and recommendation letter from one of the student's mathematics teachers are required.

The application window is open from September 1, 2024 through March 1, 2025. The scholarship recipient will be notified by early April 2025.

Area of study: Math

Award amount: $1,000.00

Application: NPCTM.ORG

Deadline: March 1, 2025

Wayne County Community Foundation Scholarships

The Wayne County Community Foundation offers scholarships to students interested in a wide range of areas, including but not limited to: Healthcare, Agriculture & Agribusiness, Forestry, Education, Veterinary, Horticulture, Mathematics, Business, Music, Technology, Culinary Arts, Criminal Justice and others.  Some need-based scholarships are available as well. 

Create an account at the link to begin the application process.

Area of study: Varies 

Award amount: Varies by Scholarship


Deadline: April 4, 2025