Due to inclement weather, all after school activities are cancelled for today, Thursday, January 16, 2025.

A Message Regarding Virtual Remote Learning (12-10-2020)

December 10, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Since the beginning of this school year, Wayne Highlands School District has worked diligently to adhere to the Board approved Health and Safety Plan.We have closely monitored local COVID-19 data and adjusted along the way.Throughout the Pandemic, we have made every attempt to make in-person learning the safest and most productive that it could be.Unfortunately, even with all of our efforts, we have still had to respond to a limited number of positive cases.Thankfully though, our faculty, staff and students have been dedicated to following the health and safety guidelines with fidelity, providing a great service to everyone’s safety.The consistent efforts have resulted in no evidence of COVID spread in our buildings and little disruption to in-person learning.Regardless of these successes, the future remains unknown.As of late, all of us have watched the COVID numbers increase. It appears that the Thanksgiving holiday took a toll, with the same expected for the upcoming holiday season.

In our continuous effort to do many things, to include mitigating the spread of COVID-19, providing a healthy and safe environment for our faculty, staff and students, along with educating our students effectively, it is now necessary to make the following adjustments to our plan. Beginning on Monday, December 21, 2020, remote learning will begin for all students, lasting through Wednesday, December 23rd.In addition, all athletics and extracurricular activities are cancelled and/or postponed from December 21st through January 3, 2021.At this time, remote learning is only scheduled for the final two and a half days of school prior to the holiday break.This effort will provide for a minimum of two weeks of time for our buildings to be empty and deep cleaned, for everyone to isolate and social distance, and hopefully time for the increasing spread of COVID to settle.

As we go through the holiday season, we will continue to monitor data using it to assist us in determining how best to return after break.At this time that decision has not been made, with all options expected to be considered.To review, the options include: Traditional Learning (in-person), Remote Learning (learning at home through Google Classroom/Zoom), or the “hybrid” model.We will announce the return to school plan no later than December 30, 2020.

If the decision is made to return after the holiday break using the “hybrid” model, all WHSD students currently attending school in-person would be assigned to one of two different groups; either the “A” group or the “B” group. Students in the “A” group would attend school in-person on Mondays and Tuesdays, while students in the “B” group would learn remotely from home on those days, using Zoom and Google Classroom. All students would learn remotely from home on Wednesdays to provide the opportunity for a “deep clean” of our buildings. The “B” group of students would attend school in-person on Thursdays and Fridays while the “A” group learns remotely from home on those days. Please note that students from the same household will be assigned to the same group.You will be informed by your building principal(s) whether your child(ren) are designated as “A” or “B” prior to leaving for the holiday break.

As the Coronavirus situation continues to develop, we will continue to monitor the situation closely.We also urge you to keep taking the necessary precautions to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our school community.If you or any members of your household develop symptoms of COVID-19 or have symptoms that worsen, notify your local health department or the Pennsylvania Department of Health immediately at 1-877-724-3258 and contact a health care provider.

Please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Health website (www.health.pa.gov) for the latest and most accurate information about COVID-19.


District Superintendent


COVID-19 Update of Important Information

Jul 30, 2021

Attention Wayne Highlands School District Parents, Guardians, and Students:

HHS Class of 2021

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An Important Message from Superintendent Frigoletto (05-24-2021)

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An Important Message from Superintendent Frigoletto (05-20-2021)

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