Wayne Highlands School District is operating on a two hour delay on, Thursday, February 13, 2025.

Energy Patrol in Action

A group of Middle School students, under the guidance of Mrs. Hopkins, are taking an active role in their school community to conserve energy. Around the Middle School, this devoted group is known as the Energy Patrol. Each month the students wear their official WHMS Energy Patrol vests, carry clipboards with charts, and conduct walk-throughs.

Students document which rooms are in use, not in use, and if the lights are turned on or off.

“Energy Patrol is important, so we don’t waste energy or spend too much money!” said Wyatt Fuller.

After each walk-through, the Patrol assesses the teacher’s energy conservation by placing a green, yellow, or red laminated light bulb in the teachers’ mailboxes. The light bulb is a simple reminder about conserving energy. A green light means way to go; the yellow light reminds teachers to be more aware, and a red light tells the teacher to get with the program.

Nicole Eldridge claims the Energy Patrol, “Reminds teachers to turn off the lights when they leave their classrooms.”

Thomas Wonesky is impressed with some of the teachers and noted, “Some teachers teach with only ½

their lights on. They definitely get a green light bulb for that!”

The Energy Patrol develops a chart to compare and contrast each month’s report.

Jeffry Delgado-Santos believes, “It’s amazing! It helps the school save money!”

This year’s Energy Patrol has expanded its energy walk-throughs to include the district office. Mrs. Hopkins students are proud of their work and look forward to their monthly job.

Not only is Mrs. Hopkin’s class helping the school conserve energy, but they are also providing another valuable service to the Middle School. Her class operates a school store for students.

Student Store

A grant funds the store. Her students learn essential lessons running the store and enjoy doing it too.

Students can visit the store during their study halls to purchase school supplies, as well as novelty items such as friendship bracelets, emoji notepads, super rings, and kindness coins. All items range from $.10 to $1.00.

Mrs. Hopkins’ students look forward to conducting sales on a regular cash register and practice making proper change. The students are learning valuable life skills that will assist them in the future.