Wayne Highlands School District is operating on a two hour delay on, Thursday, February 13, 2025.

Board names new director

A Main Street business owner has been appointed to serve on the Wayne Highlands School Board of Directors.

Gina Pritchard replaces former director Kim Eldred, who resigned last month after moving out of the region she represented.

Pritchard, owner of Mommy and Me Consignments, will serve the district's Region 2, which consists of Honesdale, Bethany, Dyberry Township and Lebanon Township.

School directors voted unanimously Monday night in the appointment of Pritchard over two other applicants, Allyson Pretty-Hopkins and Christine McAdams.

Directors thanked all of the applicants, but noted how Pritchard, who previously served on the board, was the top one.

“Gina has experience on the board. She knows exactly what we are about,” said Director Kathy Grandjean.

Other directors echoed those sentiments, saying Pritchard knows the ins and outs of the board and how school directors operate. The new director will serve out Eldred's term through 2017, and she said she will run for election for a seat in 2018.

The new director noted how she is a longtime business owner who has experience with finances, insurance matters and handling employees. She said she believed public funding was one of the top challenges the district faces. “State funding is always going down and expenses are rising,” Pritchard said, noting the importance of balancing funding and wages.

Pritchard also said she has two kids who attend school in the district and she has a vested interest in its operations.


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