Wayne Highlands School District is operating on a two hour delay on, Thursday, February 13, 2025.

Law & History

NOTE:  This page is being updated frequently, so check back regularly for new postings. 
If a scholarship listing does not include a deadline yet, please wait to apply until a deadline is availalbe.

AM Skier - Robert J. Hafner Scholarship

$1,000 scholarship to a Wayne Highlands graduating student who plans to pursue a career in law or insurance. Interested students should complete the General Scholarship Application found in the link below, plus a 200-word essay: Who or what has lead you to your career choice decision?


Area of study: Law or Insurance

Award amount: $1,000.00


Deadline: April15, 2025

Fraternal Order of Police, Northeastern Lodge #63 Scholarship 

The Fraternal Order of Police, Northeast Lodge # 63 is proud to continue the tradition of awarding its $500.00 annual Scholarships to two eligible high school seniors who wish to pursue a career in the criminal justice field. This Scholarship is open to any eligible high school senior who intends to pursue a career in Law Enforcement, either by majoring in criminal justice in college or entering the Act 120 municipal police academy. 

Students must be in good standing within their respective community. Students must have had no disciplinary problems in or out of school. They must have maintained a 3.0 GPA or “B” average through their final two years of high school. 

The application process will consist of a standard application form with a required minimum 500 word essay outlining the reasons why they wish to pursue a law enforcement career and what their career goals will be and how they hope to impact society. They should also attach a transcript of their grades as well as their acceptance letter to the university or their acceptance letter to the act 120 academy.

Applications will be screened and read by the F.O.P. Lodge # 63 Scholarship screening committee who will then determine the awarding of the scholarship. 

Area of study:  career in Law Enforcement, criminal justice or the Act 120 municipal police academy

Award amount: $500.00


Deadline: April 1, 2025

Wayne County Community Foundation Scholarships

The Wayne County Community Foundation offers scholarships to students interested in a wide range of areas, including but not limited to: Healthcare, Agriculture & Agribusiness, Forestry, Education, Veterinary, Horticulture, Mathematics, Business, Music, Technology, Culinary Arts, Criminal Justice and others.  Some need-based scholarships are available as well. 

Create an account at the link to begin the application process.

Area of study: Varies 

Award amount: Varies by Scholarship


Deadline: April 4, 2025