Wayne Highlands School District is now CLOSED today, Thursday, February 13, 2025.

Stellar students honored by board

Students of Honesdale High School

From the halls of Damascus Area School, the Wayne Highlands School District (WHSD) Board of Directors recognized the efforts of three high school seniors whose first steps in the district traipsed that very building.

Jacob Adams, Brandon Lawson and Emma Messersmith were all honored for their achievements by the board at the September 18 business meeting.

• According to documentation provided by the district, Jacob Adams is the son of Steven and Clare Adams, and was joined that night by his father and stepmother, Amy Adams of West Damascus.

Adams ranks among the top five percent of his class, an achievement which has garnered him a place on the Honor Roll and the National Honor Society (NHS), of which he is the President.

Further scholastic accomplishments include participation in the Marywood Math Contest and the American Mathematics Contest, and receiving the second place award the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS) regional competition.

Adams also placed first in regional business communications at the regional qualifier for the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) competition, and placed third at both the Wallenpaupack Team Engineering Contest and the Scholastic Bowl Regional Contest.

He is a member of the Mock Trial team and is a member-at-large for Student Council.

Outside his education, Adams volunteers as teen Sunday pastor, sound booth assistant and scripture reader at Calkins Baptist Church.

He is also a second degree black belt in the World Tang Soo Do Association.

After graduation, Adams plans to attend a four year university, focusing on economics, political science and theology, before heading off to law school.

• Brandon Lawson is the son of Bruce Lawson and Kim Lawson of Milanville. He, too, places in the top five percent of his class and has been lauded with a spot on the Honor Roll and NHS, the latter of which he serves as Treasurer.

Skilled in mathematics, Lawson was the top scorer for Honesdale High School (HHS) grades 9 and 10 in both the American Mathematics Contest and the Marywood Math Contest.

Lawson was also the top scorer in HHS grade 11 for the King’s College Math Contest, and competed in the Math Madness Online Competition.

His mathematical prowess allowed Lawson to place fourth in the state in

grade 10 for Introduction to Financial Math at the FBLA Competition.

He also placed eighth in the state for FBLA Business Calculations.

Mathematics aside, Lawson has also participated in the Envirothon and is both a memberat- large and homeroom representative for Student Council.

Outside the classroom, Lawson is an avid wrestler whose merits include lettering, being a District II runner up and a regional qualifier, earning a spot as a First Team Lacakwanna League All Star, and making the First Team District All-Academic and First Team PA All-Academic High School wrestling teams.

Lawson plans to further his education after graduating, pursuing a masters degree in mechanical engineering.

• Emma Messersmith is the daughter of David and Shannon Messersmith, near Stanton Center.

Messersmith places among the top 15 percent of her class and is likewise a member of the NHS, Honor Roll, and Student Council.

An avid musician, Messersmith is Head Drum Major in the HHS Marching Band and has played in the Pit Band in grades 11 and 12, providing music for the Little Mermaid, Music Man, Addams Family, and Beauty and the Beast.

She is also a member of the chamber choir and the Reading Competition Club.

Academics aside, Messersmith was a member of the Jr. High track & field team.

While she is yet undecided on her major, Messersmith plans to attend Penn State University after graduation.