Wayne Highlands School District is operating on a two hour delay on, Thursday, February 13, 2025.
WHMS Supplies List
2022-2023 WHMS
- 1 inch Binder for Math, SS, & Science
- 2-3 Inch binder for ELA
- 7 to 10 Subject Divider Pages for Binder (usually comes in a package)
- Homework Folder or Accordion Pocket Folder (will be used to take homework home daily)
- Pencils in a box or package (If using mechanical pencils-lead of their own. No borrowing from others.)
- Red pens- 2
- Colored Pencils- basic 12 or 24 count
- Small box of crayons (No sharpening needed) Twist and Turn
- Highlighters-2- Yellow and another color
- Dry erase markers- 2 to start- black and another color
- Small personal white board with eraser
- Note Cards for vocabulary, notes, and other projects (2-3 packs)
- Pencil Box or Zipper Pouch (usually holds more)
- Erasers- small package to start
- Small pencil sharpener- 1
- Scissors- 1
- Glue Sticks- 1 or 2
- Headsets or Earphones for iPad use
Math: TI-34 Calculator is Required: available online or at area stores. Also, this calculator can be purchased for $18 from the middle school. This calculator is used in all grades as well as some 9th grade math classes.
2022-2023 WHMS
- 1 inch Binder for SS & Science
- 1 subject notebook and folder
- 2 inch binder for ELA
- Pencils
- Highlighters
- Erasers
- Lined, Loose Leaf Paper
- Earbuds to be used for various online activities (standard earbud port)
Math:TI-34 Calculator is Required: available online or at area stores. Also, this calculator can be purchased for $18 from the middle school. This calculator is used in all grades as well as some 9th grade math classes.
2022-2023 WHMS
8th Grade Supplies List
- Subject Divider Pages for Binders
- 1 inch binder for SS & Science
- Homework Folder (will be used to take homework home daily)
- 1 or 1½ inch binder for math
- 2-3 inch binder for ELA
- Pencils (If mechanical-lead of their own. No borrowing from others.)
- Highlighters
- Erasers
- Lined, Loose Leaf Paper
- Pencil Box.Pouch
- Earbuds to be used for various online activities (standard earbud port)
Math: TI-34 Multiview Calculator-available online or at area stores. Also, a calculator can be purchased for $18 from the middle school. The calculator is used in all grades as well as some 9th grade math classes.